What is Kambo?

Kambo (also called Sapo or medicina sagrada) is traditionally used as a cleansing medicine for the human organism by indigenous tribes of the Amazon.

The secretion can be won from the back of the giant leaf frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) without harming the animal.

Kambo is legal, and neither a poison nor psychedelic.
It contains bioactive peptides that may have the ability to deeply cleanse on a physical, spiritual, and emotional level.

Further advantages of Kambo may be

♥ more energy, more mental clarity and motivation ♥

♥ enhanced wellbeing, feeling of inner strength ♥

♥ a deeper emotional connection ♥

♥ improved ability in facing daily challenges (more ease) ♥

♥ letting go of past trauma on various levels ♥

♥ deeper connection to your own inner truth ♥

Traditionally Kambo has also been used to remove Panema. Panema could be translated as bad luck, pain or depressive moods – a kind of dark cloud that might surround someone, hindering that person from attracting good things onto their path with ease.

Please be aware that Kambo does not replace visiting a doctor.
Also please don’t discontinue any of your medications without consulting your doctor, especially if they are contraindicated for a Kambo session.


The following list does not claim to be complete.
Please communicate beforehand
in case you have any serious health issues you are aware of
and/or if you are accordingly taking any drugs.

For this purpose you will receive a separate questionnaire
upon requesting a session.

  • currently in chemotherapy or radiotherapy
    or treatment has been performed within the past or will start within the next 4 weeks

  • immunosuppressants after organ transplantation

  • Addison disease

  • acute, serious epilepsy

  • pregnancy

  • breastfeeding a child under the age of 6 months

  • serious heart condition

  • stroke or brain hemorrhage in the past

  • aneurysm or blood clots

  • any kind of major surgery in the past 6 months

  • drugs against low blood pressure

  • serious mental challenges
    (except for depressive moods, PTSD, panic attacks)

  • person with uterus and currently in fertility treatment

  • serious, current eating disorder

  • serious, current drug or alcohol addiction

  • fasting more than 7 days before the session

  • serious PTSD, serious anxiety disorder / panic attacks

In the following cases applying Kambo might be feasible
after previous consultation only.

Kambo is a safe instrument for performing inner work,
if none of the contraindications apply to you.

However, please be aware that by making the decision to participate in a session  you also take on the responsibility to follow the “rules” (see preparation / follow-up below).

currently taking:

  • immunosuppressants (autoimmune disorder)

  • high doses of drugs to reduce weight

  • serotonin

  • DMT in the past 6 months (except Ayahuasca)

  • medicinal sleeping aids


It is possible to take part in a Kambo session at any time of your cycle. PMS and other issues related to the cervix may improve or dissolve with the work of Kambo. However, if you feel very weak during your menstruation, it might be better to have your session at another point of time.

If you are on your period during the session, please be aware that blood flow might increase up to 24-36 hours afterwards due to the vasodilators Kambo contains.


Please communicate beforehand in time
if any of those aspects might currently be a challenge for you.

  • Ideally fast for 8-12 hours before, but at least 6 hours. If you tend to have low blood sugar, you may consume a smoothie 4 hours before.

  • Please do not fast more than 24 hours before.

  • If your Kambo session is in the evening, it is important that you have a solid breakfast and maybe a smoothie at noon.

  • Medication: see Contraindications / according to personal consultation beforehand

  • It is recommended to avoid meat & dairy products starting 7 days before.

  • If possible, reduce consumption of nicotine and caffeine during the 3 days before.

  • No extremely fatty and/or sugary foods during the 3 days before.

  • No alcohol or recreational drugs at least 24 hours before.

  • Please consume salt as you’d normally do (don’t reduce!).

How may the frog support you?

What is keeping your mind busy or burdens you right now?

 What would you like to let go off? Is there anything you would like to invite into your life?

Prepare a personal topic for the upcoming Kambo session. 
In order to set your intention you could meditate,
observe and write down your dreams, listen to your intuition…
or whichever way suits you.

Follow-up of the session

It is important to eat fresh, nourishing, vegan or vegetarian food after the session.
Ideally, you should not be consuming meat or any stimulants for about 7 days afterwards. No alcohol or recreational drugs at least 24 hours afterwards.

If possible take the rest of the day off, so that you have the space and time to sustainably and gently integrate your experience.


Kambo might interfere with the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives like the birth control pill. Hence please use additional protection for an entire cycle in case you would like to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

Session details

Traditionally it is recommended to go through 3 sessions of vacina do sapo („frog vaccine“) within one moon cycle (28 days) for the maximum effect. However, you may clearly and sustainably notice the positive effect of working with Kambo after only one session.

Listen to your inner wisdom in terms of when and how often you feel called to work with Kambo.

Tools for the Kambo session

Example of 6 fresh Kambo dots. After the session, the reddish resin Sangre de Drago is applied to promote wound healing.

In comparison to 18 fading dots of sessions from a few weeks or several months before.

  • The session will usually last around 2-4 hours. Ideally you take the rest of the day off for yourself. I recommend comfortable clothes. You don’t need any jewelry, make up, strong perfumes or the like. Come as you are.

    The session will begin with a preliminary talk, followed by a short mental and physical preparation. It will be tested, how many Kambo dots are appropriate for you on that according day.

    With the help of a smoldering stick a tiny part of the most superficial level of your skin (epidermis) will be removed for the Kambo dot. This will ensure that the spot will heal well later on without leaving large scars.
    (For reference: a tattoo for example is applied to the second skin layer, the dermis, hence much deeper than the dot for Kambo).

    Finally, the frog secretion will be put on those spots and can thus enter your body through the lymphatic system. You will then go through your individual process with my support.

“Over the years I’ve seen [Sapo] improve general vigor in people, permanently improve eyesight, eliminate heart palpitations, and ease the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, all by opening up the blood flow. […] that cleansing of course puts a lot of toxins into your system temporarily. […] You simply feel poisoned for 15 minutes and you are: poisoned by what your body has been storing that it shouldn’t be storing.[…] Using sapo occasionally is a wonderful body cleanse, ]…] a general tonic and a body re-set.”

Peter Gorman, “Sapo in my Soul, The Matsés Frog Medicine”,
2015, 1st Edition

Prices in Germany*

150 € per 1:1 session
400 € for a cycle of three 1:1 sessions

Microdosing (only possible after 3 initial sessions)
50 €


*Hapé and/or Sananga are included, if available and applicable.
Link to my Terms of Service

On a spiritual level it seems to me that people often hide their emotional problems physically. Someone who has been badly hurt emotionally might put on a lot of weight to create a sort of barrier around themselves to keep other people – people who might hurt them emotionally at bay.
For someone in that situation, the emotional pain they carry might be buried very deeply […]. The sapo can help in that case by pushing the body to eliminate some of the physical detritus that is hiding that emotional pain through sweating, vomiting, defecation. […] Cleansing the physical can often make the emotional issues more accessible for scrutiny and elimination.

The body and spirit are working in conjunction when we are healthy, and they are working in a sort of negative conjunction when we are ill. So the illness often has to be treated on multiple levels, and sapo cleansing is one way to eliminate the cover of spiritual / emotional problems by the body.”

Peter Gorman, “Sapo in my Soul, The Matsés Frog Medicine”, 2015, 1st Edition

 Details for the curious ones - ingredients

Kambo has been researched in conventional (Western) medicine for some time.
The Italian chemist and pharmacologist Vittorio Erspamer, who has been nominated twice for the Nobel Prize, described Kambo already in the 80s as a

 “fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications”.[1]

However, it has been found that the giant leaf frog kept in an artificial environment does not produce the bioactive peptides in its secretion as it is found in wild living frogs.

Erspamer and Gorman list the potential medical use of Sapo as follows:
Kambo contains bioactive peptides including bradykinins, tachykinins, caerulein, sauvagine, dermorphins and bombesins. Components of sapo are potential candidates for treating Alzheimer and other disorders of the brain.
Other components are potent opioid peptides almost identical to the beta-endorphins of the human body. They are bioactive and could potentially function in a more precise manner than opiates.

Also, dermorphin and deltorphin are considerably stronger than morphine (18 and 39 times respectively) and similar to beta-endorphin. In contrast to the opiates found in morphine, sapo is non-addictive as receptor sites simply shut down when they had enough (as opposed to things like heroin, which is not bioactive and thus damaging receptor sites leading to addiction as those receptors ask for more.)

Phyllocaerulein and sauvagine possess medical potential as digestive aids to assist those receiving treatment for cancer. Other potential areas of medical interest include anti-inflammatories, blood-pressure regulators and stimulators of the pituitary gland.[2]

Some of the active ingredients of Kambo are listed below. They might have analgesic effects, act as vasodilators, enhance secretion of digestive enzymes and more. I furthermore attached an excerpt of studies in the footnotes as a starting point if you’d like to dive deeper into some research.

Dermorphin[3], Deltorphin[4], Phyllomedusin, Phyllokinin, Phyllocaerulein[5],  Sauvagine, Adenoregulin and Dermaseptin (potential candidate for treating cancer[6]).

[1] V. Erspamer, P. Melchiorri, G. Falconieri Erspamer, P.C. Montecucchi, R. de Castiglione, Phyllomedusa skin: A huge factory and store-house of a variety of active peptides, Peptides, Volume 6, Supplement 3, 1985, Pages 7-12, ISSN 0196-9781, https://doi.org/10.1016/0196-9781(85)90343-2.

[2] Peter Gorman, “Sapo in my Soul, The Matsés Frog Medicine”, 2015, 1st Edition

[3] Montecucchi PC, de Castiglione R, Piani S, Gozzini L, Erspamer V. Amino acid composition and sequence of dermorphin, a novel opiate-like peptide from the skin of Phyllomedusa sauvagei. Int J Pept Protein Res. 1981 Mar;17(3):275-83. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3011.1981.tb01993.x. PMID: 7287299.Montecucchi PC, de Castiglione R, Piani S, Gozzini L, Erspamer V. Amino acid composition and sequence of dermorphin, a novel opiate-like peptide from the skin of Phyllomedusa sauvagei. Int J Pept Protein Res. 1981 Mar;17(3):275-83. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3011.1981.tb01993.x. PMID: 7287299.

[4] Erspamer V, Melchiorri P, Falconieri-Erspamer G, Negri L, Corsi R, Severini C, Barra D, Simmaco M, Kreil G. Deltorphins: a family of naturally occurring peptides with high affinity and selectivity for delta opioid binding sites. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1989 Jul;86(13):5188-92. doi: 10.1073/pnas.86.13.5188. PMID: 2544892; PMCID: PMC297583.

[5] Ilmar Jurna, Gerhard Zetler, Antinociceptive effect of centrally administered caerulein and cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8), European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 73, Issue 4, 1981, Pages 323-331, ISSN 0014-2999, https://doi.org/10.1016/0014-2999(81)90233-8.

[6] van Zoggel H, Carpentier G, Dos Santos C, Hamma-Kourbali Y, Courty J, Amiche M, Delbé J. Antitumor and angiostatic activities of the antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin B2. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e44351. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044351. Epub 2012 Sep 20. PMID: 23028527; PMCID: PMC3447859.

Please take note

A Kambo session is neither a curative treatment (Heilbehandlung) nor a psychotherapeutic measure (psychotherapeutische Maßnahme) and cannot replace those measures. Furthermore, a session is not a diagnosis or therapy in the medical or psychotherapeutic sense, no medical treatment in the sense of Heilpraktikergesetz, no medical care, and no promise to cure or alleviate health issues (kein Heil- oder Linderungsversprechen).